Isn’t she adorable? The weather here today has been horrible and I didn’t want to go out, So Ive been playing I actually cut her this morning, but then got sidetracked so only managed to put her together tonight.
She stands about 15 inches high x about 16 inches wide. The black layer is in four pieces and then all the other sections are glued on top.
I have shown how to cut bigger than a 12×12 or 12×24 mat in the past but the videos were more aimed at cutting vinyl, they are on my channel in the Canvas and Inkscape playlist as I have shown how to do this in both programmes.
Some time ago I did a video on how to use Inkscape to split text letters using a font called “Regal”, this font can be temperamental so in this video I am showing an alternative way to split letters and it should make the process easier.

The video is Here
This was a request from someone on Youtube, it can be done in Canvas but its not as easy, so I thought I would show you how to do it in Inkscape.
This is the Knockout effect its popular for using with vinyl for home decor and clothing projects.
For anyone who doesn’t know what this is. In this example you would use black and green vinyl and the green would inlay inside the black letter so it would only be 1 layer of vinyl, not green letters stacked on top of black I hope that makes sense.
This is the project I created.

The video is Here