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My Next Sewing Project

I recently found a patchwork quilting shop that I never knew existed so I went inside for a good old look around.

Whilst I was in there this Stripe fabric caught my eye and I thought it had colours in it that I could use in our new craft room (once the house is built that is!). So I tried to pick more fabric that matched in with the colours.


We are having white desks and Ikea Expedit units but my little girl has taken a liking to Snille Swivel chairs in red, so I thought I could use accent colours of red and green with storage box’s etc like here

And the more I looked at this material the more I saw colours that will match in with our craft room tools, there’s pink like our crop o dile, turquoise like our Pazzles Inspiration, bind it all and dreamkuts and green like our cuttlebug and cuttlekids so it seems to fit perfectly.

So Ive decided I will make a table runner for the top of the toy box I painted recently, posted here

All I need now is another colour for the backing and the binding.

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