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Running, Sewing & Papercrafting

As the title says but fortunately not at the same time! First my running I went for the first run of my week two podcasts i am following as mentioned in the thread under this one.

Well I dont know what was wrong with me but my brisk walk inbetween runs did not even feel brisk today.

I managed to run 4 of the 6, 1.5 minutes i had to walk one and nearly completed the last.

So i will have to see how I get on when I do my second run this week.

Now after I had showered and recovered from that i decided to make the monkey masks posted on the ‘Pazzles Craft Room’ website recently for my little girl and her friend.

My little girl is at another party today so I have had five and a half hours on my own.

some of you may know I have moved recently for 6 months whilst my new house is ready and I have not unpacked any of my crafting supplies my precious Pazzles Inspiration is sitting on the floor of my dressing area.

When I came to use it today to make the mask it had some dust on it so I decided to make a dust cover for it whilst I had the time.

So here are the fruits of my labours I am please with the dust cover as I am not a sewer and until recently I had not touched a sewing machine for about 30 years I even sewed the button on the centre of the flower with the machine.

Click on the image to see a bigger view

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